Monday, March 28, 2005

Sneak Preview

HA! I've bought my mom's present...

AIYO! Stupid City Chain.. Have to close for their annual dinner.. OF ALL DAYS.. it has to be TODAY!! nonsense... Well, tooo bad for my mom then... JUst not her luck in getting those more branded watches... And obviously lucky for my bank account! :P

Well, i've bought my mom a Swatch watch... Bought it at PS just now... There i was standing in the shop choosing for nearly an hour... took out like 6 watches! Ranging from $73 - $236... wahahaha...

Feel like punching the sales girl's face just now.. She was saying.. That's $106, are you sure you wanna see it? I was like... ya. *Stares at her*


But anywayz, ya.. took a long time choosing...

The first watch that caught my eye since yesterday was this one... So cute and colourful rite?

But then i realised that the face was too small, and can already imagine my mom complaining that she can't see the time....

then i made her took out this few...

and another one which i cant find the picture...

Then i was stuck of not knowing whether to choose the turqoise one or the white one.. and then remembered that my mom can pull off white... so i took the turqoise one.. whahahaha... so ya! Got the present already... I'm so proud of myself...

Now, for the b-day cake.. hmmmmzzz

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