I've hit a Quarter Century officially! And its been a week since i've been 25.
Turning 25 was the same as turning 21, 22, 23, 24, or even turning 1. No difference... at all. The only difference is that your friends tend to rub it in and your relatives tend to ask you when are you gonna get married... Yeah, I know. Lame.
FINALLY CONTINUING MY BLOG ENTRY.. as you can see.. its not just a week since i've been 25. I've been 25 coming to 2 months now! dammit!
Turning 25 on 25th was fun. LOL! well not fun as in there was a grand ball all set up for me. but fun coz where i'm living right now, my housemates, bimz especially was so eager to celebrate it! She woke me up so early in the morning wishing me happy birthday both on paper and in text. HAHA! it was sweet. I kinda suspected it was all bimz idea coz of the presents. Coz the previous birthday in the house, she bought DVDs too and she got me DVDs as well. Not that I'm complaining. I mean everyone else will think what the hell?? i got DVDs for presents? LOL! but DVDs here do not come cheap. But well, i've never actually received DVDs from my friends before... so this is definitely a first. Mel just stared and laughed when I showed him my presents the following day. I also got this chocolate round thing and the coral coloured roses that you see in the picture below! so pretty rite?!
But at the same time i was also rushing to complete my essays so i was only home in time for dinner. Initially, I wanted to have dinner with mel, but we cancelled it since he wanted to have it during the weekends with just the both of us... SO i came home with Bimz trailing after me telling me that i have a huge bouquet delivered. I was like.. what huge bouquet? Bimz: "
I found it sitting outside the door. I suppose it was delivered and no one was home. Its in the kitchen. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO OPEN ANYTHING ELSE ON THE COUNTER!!"
So, I rushed into the kitchen (with inspector Bimz trailing behind me of course) and saw that! A delivery from my mom!!! =) so so happy!! and its so pretty and colourful!! SO. Once again, thanks mom!!!
The next present is from Mel. He gave me a week before my birthday coz he knew i was so swamped with assignments and this was his exact words "I know you have tons of assignments due and your present have arrived so I thought I should just give it to you so that you no longer have to drag around your laptop and break your back" hurhur. How sweet rite? rite?!?!
Truthfully, this was the surprise of the year. I never thought I would get the ASUS transformer Eee pad. There were 2 things about this that i was extremely surprise with. 1. The present itself. 2. The gifter. I was screaming so loud in his room!! i was so excited and happy and delighted and omg. no words could describe it. You guys should have seen his expression when he first asked me to guess and I asked excitedly if it was a Kindle. HAHAHAHHA! He looked as if he wanted to smack me.
But seriously.
The next present came from my cousin. The one in Malaysia? Yes. That one!!! I was back for 5 days to be exact for her wedding and I passed her her wedding/birthday present. I'm sorry that I couldn't give you the honeymoon i promised 3yrs ago. I was working then.. and now i'm a student. *pouts*
Anyways, I got the Diana Mini F+ from her for my birthday!!!! HURHURHURHURHR!!! You guys know how long i've wanted this rite? Yeah well... I FINALLY GOT IT! OMG! MAD HAPPY!!! hahahahhaa.. it wasn't exactly a huge surprise since i pointed it out to her.. but judging from the price tag in Malaysia, I didn't think that I would get it. So when i left with her sisters for Sushi King, she went in search of my birthday present with her husband! So once again, THANK YOU WAI! Should i thank Kunyit too? hehehe.

And Finally my last present from my mom! *drumrolls!!!* I came back to Singapore on Sunday/Monday after the wedding and was flying back to Adelaide Tuesday. I didn't think that I was gonna get anything from my mom and I was also just looking around for a phone since ALL OF YOU already know the condition of my phone then. So I was looking for either the Motorola Droid Razr or the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Prime. The latter of which hasn't been released in Singapore. I was damn angry tho. I mean I wanted the Nexus Prime so badly somemore. And then, I was playing with the Droid Razr. I didn't think that I will get it. I mean I didn't want my mom to buy for me especially not at that price. I just stared at it and I stared at her and when she told me to get it, I was conflicted. I just told her its ok la some other time can buy.
She told me that it shall be my birthday present since she hasn't gotten me anything for my birthday though.. I nearly burst into tears out of guilt at the handphone shop. My mom has done so many things for me the past few years and she has practically given me everything I wanted and she spent so much in November for the wedding and all and my flight ticket for me to come back and my dresses. I really didn't wanna ask for anything more. But she got me the new Motorola Droid Razr anyways! despite my protest!
Maybe I didn't protest that much... *ponders* I don't know. But I was in dire need of a phone then.
And you know what. I LOVE THE RAZR. lol. Its my second Razr! the first one was my flip phone and the second one is the NEW IMPROVED MOTOROLA DROID RAZR!! hahahahah!! Happy happy!
How pretty is that thing?!?!? SLIM AND SHINY!!
And you know what, Turning 25 isn't bad at all! =)
I'll blog about my cousin's wedding soon! I'm gonna go eat now! bye peeps!