Sunday, December 31, 2006
in less than 24hrs its gonna be 01.01.07.
i can't wait to leave 06.. but somehow i dont wanna enter 07.
why? Coz, growing up is not easy. lol!
So let's see.. what exactly did i do in 06??
1. Sins @ NP. - That was.. hmmm.. No comments. But as casts, we did have fun in the end aite? especially the camwhoring! lol!
2. BSB Concert. - That was awesome! I know i've never actually fulfilled my promise of blogging about it.. hahaha!!
3. Incanto '06, Senior Prom.
4. Singapore Fashion Week, Missoni Runway 06. - That was an eye opener.
5. Got employed, first full time job
6. Resigned my first full time job
7. Dreamscape 3.0 - Now who can ever forget that? that moment to dream and make it as a form of escape from reality was definitely worth it. I love my casts, my crew, my directors (kin and don- thank you once again, my friends (azi, deen, hid- thanks once again), my driving forces - my mom, hally (for hearing me cry early in the morning when i received don's msg.. LOL! that was something) and mel(thanks once again).
thanks to you guys even a dream is reality. hahaha..
That entire period was one of my most schizo eras. I was pushed down to the very depths of the earth and pulled back up by those i've mentioned here. Thank you. I am already missing you guys. And working with you guys.
8. Fencing. - I picked up the sword again.
9. Sketches, A story of hope (a yellow ribbon project by YCP). - I know la the grandmother very lemau.. SHE WAS DYING AFTERALL!! *smacks hally*
10. Saving Loukaitis @ Substation. - That was something. I'm grateful to be chosen.
11. Magic Fundoshi (FOH), Wildrice. - I've never been exposed to FOH till that day and the casts of Magic Fundoshi was hilarious. And getting a job offer in the process was priceless.
12. Natural @ Victoria Theatre. - The kids opened my eyes that there was more to life than just what i saw. Everything can be simple if we just let it be.
13. I got my 2nd full time job a mth after the first one
14. I resigned from my 2nd full time job 3mths after.
WHY? i'll go back to a law firm only as a lawyer. Period.
15. I taught my niece for PSLE. - She definitely made me proud. Real proud.
16. Fights. - i dont even know whether i should catergorize it as that. But what's done is done.
17. I've found another addiction and it's difficult to back out of it.
18. Various b-day celebrations.
a) Hid's bowling, chocz, prata and MP3 player outing
b) Mel's Fish & co, TCC Rendezvous Hotel & Fossil Watch outing
c) Hally's Fish & Co. with iggie outing
d) Azi's bbq and Mr. Bear.
e) My cousins' various b-day outings, earrings, guess watch and bear.
I totally love b-days! Coz, i get to buy stuff!! lol! each present has a different outing. and each present hunting outing was hilarious. I've always enjoyed myself doing that.
19. I turned 20 this yr. LOL! *Boo Hoo Hoo!!*
ok i cant think of anymore stuff to make it to 20. So i'll just leave it till 19. oh wait.. i found 20..
20. I'M STILL SINGLE! WAHAHAHAHAHAH.. *rolls on floor laughing*
So many things have happened this yr. Some say that i've had a really eventful year.. some would even say controversial.. LOL! but whatever it is.. what's done is done and i dont intend to dwell on the past.
I've enjoyed my December tremendously! This yr's December is definitely one that i will never forget. Alot of things happened this December. Positive things.
I hope the positivity will spill over to 07.
What will i be doing later? I might be allowed out later. So most prob i'm going to catch the fireworks at Marina Bay tmr.
With who? no one.. wahaha. wat else is new? I'm spending new yr alone with no one special.. hehehe..
So for now,
and the muslims,
and to those who wanna eat ketupat and rendang, feel free to buzz me and come over to my house! lol!
Like every hari raya, my house cooks a full blown hari raya cuisine during Aidilfitri as well as Aidiladha.. LOL!
till we meet again ya'll.
And hopefully, in 2007.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Things been odd lately..
anywayz, i have no idea how to switch from this blog to the google one.. everything's in squares and i have no idea how to revert everything back to english and read the instructions..
What will i be doing this week?
I'll be having training, i'll be going out with my nieces...
I wanna go sentosa...
Anyone up to accompany me?
Monday, December 25, 2006
The morning of 25.12.2006.
Yup. Christmas here everyone!
Merry Christmas to all...
I've been watching christmasy shows all day..
I look out the window and i half expected the roads to be covered in snow. Smooth, silky and white.
Oh well. I guess i'm thinking about other countries too often to actually believe something like that would happen here in sunny singapore.
Hey, if this well-drained country of ours can still flood in certain areas... i wouldnt be surprised if we have "snow" in christmas.. May it be some pranks from mischievious young boys spreading cotton wools all over the place.
Now, that i've gotta see..
So what will i be doing this fine day?
Yeah. I'll be spending christmas the traditional way. Spending it with family.
Since my uncle's overseas.. I'll be meeting my cousin later to pass her the Christmas present, have lunch, sit outside and crap...
Its been a long while since i last saw her..
Hari Raya to be exact. the 2nd day if i'm not mistaken. That's like 2 mths ago...
yeah.. exactly 2mths. 2nd day of hari raya was 25.10.2006. today's 25.12.2006.
Now, i remember! today's one of my friends b-day.. i better go and wish her before i forget..
But anywayz, i digress...
I guess both of us are occupied with lots of things this past 2 mths.. she with school, wake boarding and aikido.
while i was working (at that time), production rehearsals (at that time) and fencing.
well, we're both hoping to be on the singapore team.. so i guess commitment and the lack of social life is the only answer to that... But of course, my social life is not exactly dead.
cant wait for the sun to rise and for me to wake up from sleep (which i will go to sleep after this) and get out of the house so that i can spend some quality time with my cousin.
Sometimes, i do wish for siblings. hahaha.. then i wouldnt be looking forward to go out of the house much..
i think.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
with training for the past 4 days... from morning to evening..
Blue blacks all over my arms and legs...
I better be losing weight! if not ah, *faints* besides, i want to be the new GUESS ambassador anyway.. and there's lots of zara and forever 21 dresses that i've been eyeing eversince my recent retail therapy...
Which is totally unhealthy. I tell you.. very the wrong leh... and i'm like happily making pple buy stuff as well..
today's trip to vivo city after training was eventful. WAHAHAHAHAH!! totally eventful!
*dies laughing at the thought of trip*
but its fun.. wahaha.. i shall terrorize more pple..
*rubs hands in glee*
hahaha.. theatre skills in full swing.. besides, its not that difficult you know..
*stares at particular someone and rolls eyes*
I've finally fulfilled promises of meeting up..
I'm sorry if i had to turn down some offers of going out.. coz, those that i go out with this week are those that have asked me during my production week last week..
I've been going out... and i'm the new vivo city girl. LOL! well.. most prob coz, its one straight train from home.. its the easiest to reach!! hehehe..
there's so many photos that i wanna upload!
and yes, since i'm more free now, yup.. i can even dream of wat to wear to go out..
rite hally?
Hally: "Nad arent you from fencing?"
Me: "Ya. Why?"
Hally: "Wah you go fencing until so vogue ah?"
Me: *Stares at Hally to register what she was saying.. and then died laughing*
But ah.. Guess what i realise.. I DONT HAVE ENOUGH CLOTHES..
oh well.. i lazy to shop.. later cannot fit how?
But i seriously dont have enough clothes..
time check:
its 1230am
and i swear i'm on the verge of tears.
Why cant you just leave me alone? Why cant you just trust me enough? Why do you always have to fucking compare me with some other idiots that even i have no idea of their existence?
Its not everyday that i meet people. Its not everyday that i can forget that there's no one for me to talk to at home in the day. Its not everyday that i can have fun and forget everything.
I'm tired. I'm tired of you getting on my nerves. I'm tired of you saying hurtful things to me.
Do you know that? its not just now, its THE WHOLE DAY! do you know that? I guess you wont know that...
I was on the verge of tears from morning. Thanks to you. I bet you didnt know that as well..
How come you never fail to make me feel as though i'm the stupidest around? How come you never fail to make me feel as though i'm the ugliest being on earth? How come you never fail to make me feel as though i'm the worst creature ever created?
I've always tried and go way out of my way to please you. I no longer question you. I no longer answer back the way i used to. I no longer quarrel with you as though war has broken out in the house.
i've resorted to silence.
But tears still do flow. Just like now as i'm typing this.
Even though i'm used to it. Even though i act as if i dont care.
It still hurts.
Maybe, there are unshed tears behind those smiles. Maybe. Just maybe.
Friday, December 22, 2006
i swear i'm in major retail therapy!!!
I'm on a full blown shopping spree..
and my current target?
no.. not esprit...
not zara...
not topshop...
its... jeng jeng jeng...
Upgrade already!!!
Its effing cheap la!!!
Trust me.. i'm not done!
i've bought 2 belts and a handbag and no, i've not spent 200 bucks there.
i've spent so much lesser than that, you guys wont believe it.
I nearly bought a pair of heels... but but but.. its like.. damn high.. i think its 3inch... and i've never actually worn a 3inch heel before.. and now, i keep thinking about it..
Maybe i shall go and get it this saturday..
i tell you.. soon, head to toe... is GUESS..
Like wat deena says, i'm the new Guess ambassador..
Paris Hilton in the making...
I was actally dragging my mom to Guess the other day.. and i was like.. OMG MA!! You think i should get it?
and she was like... "Some things just never change huh? From young until big you've always been in love with Guess"
The best part?
I dont really remember having major retail therapy at Guess when i was younger, but i know had major retail therapy at Esprit when i was younger.
So i dunno. Maybe i did. *shrugs*
But that's not important.
The important thing here is that... i'm currently still thinking about that pair of heels..
and another GUESS watch... it has a heart on the face as well.. only diff from my current one is that, the face is square instead of round.. And the shape of the heart is different also la.. duh...
Oh ya.. and a pair of GUESS shades. I actually do like it la.. i've been eyeing it for a week already.. but when i show deena just now.. she thought i was crazy for wanting that pair of shades.
Maybe i am crazy for wanting that.. but maybe, i am not. I shall get another opinion of it either tmr of saturday.. hehehe..
*Cues thunder and lightning*
And i have yet to get that pair of earrings i saw 2 mths ago at perlinis. I cant seem to see it anywhere anymore . It better still be around. I need it for my cousin's christmas present..
If not, confirm.. die.. I dunno what to get her!!!
hmmm.. should i get coach christmas present? *ponders*
Aiyah, i shall not think about that now..
I shall go and stat dreaming about that pair of GUESS shoes.. if i'm still thinking about it tmr.. maybe i'll get it..
or maybe...
I shall ask people to buy it for me..
Can or not Deena?!?!
You guys still owe me presents and treat and watever rite? That shoe i'm sure is only 1/3 the budget for birthday celebrations... rite rite rite??
*Angelic smiles*
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I'm no longer busy!
I'm no longer rushing for time!!
I'm no longer having my time fit around a rehearsal schedule!!
Coz, my most recent production's done!
i dunno what the reviews are... but Natural sure hit home that day...
My first ever production outside of school. Ok fine.. not first one out of school.. but you know wat i mean.. a big scale one.. one with a proper stage venue..
Man, i'm so gonna miss Victoria Theatre man.. lol
I'm sure gonna miss the actors, the kids, the directors, the stage, the backstage crew, the parents, the volunteers, the caregivers, the not-so-rush rush...
And i'm definitely gonna miss Maggie.
The person who ever so patiently cared for Danny. The person who joked, scolded, got irritated, have fun and understood him.
I've never actually found Maggie during my 2 months rehearsal period. Maggie came at a time when i was at a point of giving up and just wanting to go through with it and get it done and over with. Maggie came at a point when i finally understood them and when i finally was comfortable with them.
Maggie came when i was going to leave but i didnt want to...
The final scene as something that i didnt know i would be able to do... I've been worrying about it for months.. Its easy to do it with another actor.. but with on of the kids was more of a challenge.
We need to be comfortable with each other.
They said i made pple cry that night.
I dunno whether its true.
But wat i know was that, the final full dress, i did tell shikin that the scene is getting more and more difficult to do..
and on that day, the final scene, i was on the verge of tears.
To see it coming to an end, i was definitely sad. hahaha.. yes, i did cry by the end of the night.. lol!! totally embarassing...
And thanks for those who came. And for those whom i met during natural, thank you for being able to wok with you guys and get to know ya'll along the way.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Rehearsals are like.. OH MAN!
hahaha.. i swear i need to go out more often to not feel tired over rehearsals.
Anywayz, caught Eragon and Nativity Story today.
Yup yup. Movie Marathon of the year i tell you.
Its nice actually. I dunno why pple not interested in it leh.. if you can tahan LOTR, then confirm can watch eragon. The dragon very cute leh!! if you cant fall in love with the lead actor or actresses, you'll definitely fall in love with the dragon.
Nativity Story.
1. This totally reminds me of school. As in the daily prayers during morning assembly. But that's besides the point.
The point here is that, the story very the heartwarming leh.. warm your heart until cannot warm anymore.. (i swear i'm beginning to sound like an ah lian as time pass)
Yes. I'm hooked to the movie. People, ignore the bad reviews and just go and watch it... Its sweet. Seriously. I was tearing back there in the theatre. Because of various reasons.
One thing for sure, i'm gonna find someone like joseph for a husband... hehehe.. then he'll be a great father! At least my kids wont go thru wat i went thru.. *grins*
But then again, i can totally dream on man.. A man like joseph only appears once on earth.
the most ah, all i get is being a student of St Josephs Convent.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
It's about time.
2006 has been a toooo long a year.
i've been complaining when on earth 2006 will come to a closure since September.. can you believe it?
In September, i've already felt the dragginess of this yr.
too many things have happened. just too many.
Horoscopes have said that 2006 will not be a year that i'll forget easily. Trust me. I don't think i will forget a thing about this yr.
Change has taken place. Tons of it.
Haiz.. there's still 2 weeks before December ends. I'll make full use of this 2 weeks.
Wonder what i have on the week of christmas? hmmm i foresee a few parties to attend..
oh yes.. i'll make my cousin stay at my house just like last christmas.. hehehe..
and we'll roam the streets of orchard till past midnight..
What have i been doing this month?
Hmmm.. rehearsals and rehearsals. Yup. only rehearsals and fencing.
What happened to work? hahaha.. i've resigned. Again.
See what i mean by 2006 being long? i've resigned from 2 jobs for gods sake.
Had fencing competition last sunday at my coach's training place. I tell you, i cant remember the last time i fought so hard.
My coach was laughing at me by the end of it... "Mak cik, its been long since you last participated in competitions huh?"
*rolls eyes* Abit the duh rite? if 3 yrs is not long, i dunno what to say. Last time got stamina to last from 11am to 9pm.. thats the normal duration of a competition.
Now? lasting 3 straight bouts is a miracle in itself.
What i wanna see in 2007? i shall blog about it when the time is right.
For now, i shall go to sleep so that i can wake up early to be able to be punctual for my tech run at victoria theatre.
the show's this saturday... time do fly when you're not thinking about it.
The more i think about it
The more i'm afraid.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I hate the rzr.. but the krzr? now, that's different... the blue one? EVEN BETTER!!! so sleek so sophisticated!!! wahahaha.. azi mel! we should all get the krzr!!! wahahahaha...

I'm even more in love with the blue one!! i mean look at it!!! hahahhahaa.. so smooth rite!!! i dunno why la but i'm like totally into blue this past 2 mths.. hahahaha... and if i get the blue one, it'll match with my mp3 player!!!!

Hmmm... since i still have yet to receive b-day presents from some... maybe can consider getting me one of the above? hahaha
Oh how i wish i print money. haiz. lol.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
That show ah..
simply sweet. Period.
Yup, i'm much more in love with the Crown Prince now!! wahahaha
But anywayz, in one of the episodes, all the Crown Princess wanted was for the Prince to say it out to her that he cared. That's all she wanted to hear and that was enough for her.
And i wondered, is that really true?
With all my complains and opinions and remarks about love, feelings and words... i definitely could not say much on this after whatever that happened this afternoon.
I asked a friend of mine who got me utterly irritated over something, "why on earth do you always have to ask me such things every time we bump into each other?"
And he answered, "Because i care"
A simple 3-word answer that will just stop you from walking or turn your head in his direction in surprise.
and guess what i did? Nothing.
I just stared at him speechless before i could think of a response and all i could say was, "sorry".
Maybe sometimes, that's what a girl needs. To hear some sort of concern from someone.
Its easy for a girl to say that she cares to anyone and also to her other girl friends. But for her to hear it out of someone of the opposite sex. Its obviously something that doesnt happen often.
And for it to happen today. I was totally caught of guard. And the fact that someone do care.
Its just the same like how a person can tell you that they miss you, a simple, "I miss you" can seriously make your day.
Its the same thing.
The only difference?
It didnt come from someone who i truly wanted to hear it from. ha.
With whatever my friends have always said about me not giving pple a chance, i guess i am a girl afterall.
A romantic one at that.
Maybe, thats the reason why i'm afraid to give that chance.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I know, Azi's been asking me to watch it.. but i've never gotten the time to spare to actually watch it on Channel U or on youtube. So far, i've always loved Japanese drama but always have found Korean ones tooo sad or emo or watever.
But then again, i forgot that i've always loved to watch these princessy stories.
During Hari Raya, i went to my cousin's house and my niece has the DVD. So that was when i started watching it. First it was more of the fact that my niece wanted me to watch it with her.. So i did it out of pleasing people.

And well, i dont like to watch things half way wat... especially when i know that there's a continuation... And as i happen to go to my niece house twice during Hari Raya, i've only managed to watch up to episode 3. Which is quite a big achievement considering the fact that it is Hari Raya and well.. there's relatives who wishes to catch up on your lives.
But anywayz, i digress.
The thing is... not only has the Princess Hour fever hit me, i've bought myself DVD of Season 1. Which is a shocker even to myself, i mean.. hallooo.. i've always wanted to get myself the Charmed seasons but never got it coz i find it kinda waste of money..
but look at what i'm doing? I just bought a Korean Drama Series. *faints*
And the worst part?
I'm currently having problems with keeping my eyes away from Korean men! I mean look at the pics below.. The first picture is this guy acting as Prince Yool, the crown prince's cousin.


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa.. Wat the hell is wrong with me?!?! *Pulls hair*
But seriously, i'm currently having a very odd group of eye candies. Its been around for quite awhile already.
Its like all these Korean, japanese and people who are fair but not white (non-caucasians. duh!) are catching my eyes~!
And have you guys seen the this month's style magazine?! Where they interviewed Jonathan Leong? And there's like a 5pg spread of him in that clean cut look, shirt and jeans or formal looking pants.
Well i have this thing with guys wearing collared shirt and jeans.. Its like sooo nice to the eyes dont you think? Totally cant take your eyes away from them. Its like.. boyish, guyish but still kinda manly kinda thing rite?? I KNOW MAN! Cuteness V.7.8 sia.
But i digress. Again.
Where was i?
Oh yes, Style mag and jonathan leong's spread. he totally look like those mafia... like soo cute and mysterious.. WAHAHAHA!!!
Sheesh.. I better end this post, its like my bimbotic-ness running out of control. LOL!!
Let's start off with PUTERI GUNUNG LEDANG~!!

The story of a legendary love.
I'm one of the first few people that owned the VCD of PGL the movie and watched it a thousand times that i've memories lines from the scenes.. but guess wat?!?!
Thanks to the overwhelming response and the fact that the malaysian artistes all came to singapore to watch it again! GRRRR...
I tell you, when they gonna do it again in KL, i'll be there sia... ARGH! So angry. *stomps around*
But anywayz, the upcoming PHANTOM OF THE OPERA~!!
I WANNA WATCH!! And there's a show on 29.03.2006!! So most prob, i'll buy it as a b-day present for my mommy!!! wheeeeeeee... i better get it soon i suppose..

And this poster very cute rite? I know i've never really talked about my upcoming production with the Down Syndrome Association. But the poster above? That's my Down Syndrome Association show lor... So here's my update. LOL!
Tickets are out on Sistic at $25 & $35 and it'll be on the 16th December at Victoria Theatre. wahahaa..
and the girl in the picture? SO CUTE RITE? That's the Arassi i was talking about. heheheee.. Thats all for now for this post..
next post coming rite up!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
And my niece did quite well... wahahahha!!! all thanks to the brilliant tuition teacher... A.K.A ME! MUAHAHAHAHAHHA~!!!
Now where shall i go and treat her? oh wait.. she should treat me! Hurmph! But nvm, let's see when i shall bring her out... *ponders* wahahaha.. dont you just love having an aunt like me?? *grins angelically*
I'm still at work! Yayness.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I'm sick AGAIN! That's like the umpteenth time i'm sick. ARGH! I'm so angry seh...
But then, my doc thinks that my work place is dirty and she hopes that i dont stay there for long or else i would have other kinda sickness coming my way especially its bad enough that i'm asthmethic.
But little does she know, and the rest for that matter...
I've tendered. hahahaha..
ok ok.. lemme just post the pics from shaiful's open house.

Yellow Chair's 2006 Class Photo.
A Class photo that has to be taken after the Maths Teacher announced that everyone failed.
The class photo with the world's favorite teacher. LOL!
And of course, a class photo is never complete without a fun pic rite? wahahaha.. and of course we had fun eating and taking pics with yazid being the resident toyol appearing in nearly every photos..
But of course, THE PHOTO OF THE DAY AWARDS GOES TOOOOO.... *Drum Rolls*
And mel fulfilled his itchiness of wearing a baju melayu and i seriously think we look like a bougainvilla plant in purple and green.. WAHAHHAHA
Went to meet azi after the open house and we went to city hall for some Ben & Jerrys~! YUM YUM! Yes! don't give that shock look... we go to town in traditional costumes.. cool aper.. lol.. rite rite rite? become centre of attraction.. very the happening yo! the outing i mean... lol! Went to marina square and ended up at the Airport... And so, the journey of the 3 royal best friends begins.
One fine day, the 3 royal best friends decide to meet up after a long while of not meeting up. 2 of them decided to drag the other one out after a national event. So off they went to meet at the royal carriage stop to ponder on their next destination.
They then decide to pamper themselves with some sugary sweet, mouth watering creamy ice cream from the well-known ice-cream maker named Ben & Jerrys in the City of Hall.
They then travelled down to the City of Suntec and went to Marina Square to greet the people as they usually do... They looked around for things to buy but sadly, nothing is befitting of their status and they proceed sadly to their carriage stop where they have decided to bully the royal friend who failed to attend the national event, Princess Az.
But of course, they do still love her.
Off they went to the country's airport to have a royal supper. Of course, it is not also prim and proper with these young prince and princesses. They do kick each other's butt in their free time...
But of course, such a picture will never miss the country's papparazzi rite? So the palace have no other choice other than to do some damage control again. As usual, they'll always give their angelic smiles and that will win the heart of the people again. How can the people ever resist such angels to rule over them one day rite?
Once they're full and the sky is getting darker... they took their final group picture. the young princesses and prince then went home to their respective castles and live happily ever after...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Seriously, i cant remember when was the last time i was THAT mad! argh.
I'm so tired... I've been leaving office at 8pm or maybe even later this entire week for various reasons...
TIRED LEH!! dont wanna go work on monday!!
Everyone who has bumped into me during lunch hour this week told me how tired and stressed i look sia.. i'm like.. WTF. STOP IT ALREADY!
very depressing leh pple.. you think i like issit? pple tell me i look tired? Smack you all then you know ah.. lol!~
Its finally friday.. and yes, i'm still awake. despite the fact that i'm already half asleep typing this!!! I cant believe this.. its like friday and i'm on my way to dreamland when the night is still young!!
but its ok.. i shall look on the bright side... i hope i look much much much better when tmr comes...
And my new look is coming soon! i totally cant wait for the new month! LOL~!
oh and another sidetrack, i think i've gained weight!
I'm depressed.
Monday, November 13, 2006
My eyes are like WIDE AWAKE! never before happen in history, esp considering what i did yesterday.
Reached home at 1am sia yesterday.
I dont understand..
why is it that i can go home at 1am when i'm out jalan raya with my friends but i cant go clubbing with my friends because i'll go home at the same time??
I still dont get it. Anyone who gets it, pls enlighten me.
but anywayz, i was out the WHOLE DAY YESTERDAY! Doesn't happen very often in the history of my life... i'm such an angel rite? hehehe
so where was i?
Oh yes.. out.
I went for fencing, duelling session, on sunday after being MIA as everybody puts it for a month... I still dunno why they make such a big fuss out of it...
but anywayz, there i was being forced to fence with like nearly everyone, 15pts each.. just as i thought that i could go home already, my dearest coach decided to start the friendlies then... i literally got a shock of my life..
Who wouldnt be sia, my t-shirt was already soaked!
*rolls eyes*
so yes.. i stayed till like 420pm like that despite getting slaughtered by countless pple.. before i told everyone that i really need to go off since i'm going for hari raya visiting.. i literally dumped my sandals, mask, suit, electric jacket and glove (did i dump my glove in there? i shall check later) in my bag and ran out of the place to the main road and flag a cab to go home to get ready for my jalan raya with the senoritas and its honorary members...
Reached home, bathe, made myself pretty and i was ready for deena to pick me up by 5pm.. talk about fast man.. i even made myself up within such a short time. By that i meant.. i actually put on make up and i was ready by 5.. wahahaha!! record time.
For those of you who didnt know or suspected but was never too sure. I was from a convent even though i know some pple say i dont look it.. but still i'm a convent girl. Ha. And yes, i do have some characteristics of them even though i've only been there through out my sec sch life.
But i digress.
Being in a convent, i dont have many malay friends. Madeena and Hidayah are my 2 closest of the closest malay friends.
So, what happened to the rest of my malay class you may ask?
WHAT MALAY CLASS? wahahaha..
during my 'o' level yr, the sec 4 & 5's were combined into one malay class.. and guess how many people were in there?
it came up to a WHOOPING 17 girls..
out of which, only 7 were malays that were not so malays but nevertheless malay.
and the rest? my eurasian friends of course... Eurasian of every mix you can think of.. wahahhaha..
So ya, now you know how pathetic my sec sch jalan raya is rite? 3 of us.. but this yr, there's my 2 honorary members, Hally and Azi... hahahaha..
i'll definitely post up the pics soon..
5 doesn't mean its a quiet outing.. its soooo KECOH!!!
We went to each other's house and even one of my cousin's house who happened to have a open house where we met my uber cute nephew.. wahahhaa..
but of course 2 of the guys that were invited were not there.. like SHAHDON for example.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
This yr's hari raya has been kind of a rush. It came without warning, a lot of pple aren't prepared for it and the next thing i know, around 2 weeks of it has passed.
I have yet to take pictures with my first day's baju raya...
But anywayz, lemme post up some pics with my cousins from malaysia..

We've all grown up. Each with their own distinct style. Each with their own trademark. Each with their own characteristic. Each with their own behaviour. But one thing's for sure, the bond we have with each other has and will never change.
I may not look like them, but they have always treated me as part of them, one of their sisters that happened to be here. We no longer fight the way siblings will. They never fail to make me laugh, they never fail to update me with their life.
Sometimes, a weekend is never enough. I'll upload some of the other informal pics that we've taken another time.
Another outing i've had within this hari raya month that was picture filled, was the open house at shaiful's house.
And since Blogger is not really co-operatin with me on this, i shall post that outing in another entry soon.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did i say? What did you do?
How did i fall in love with you?
What can i do to make you mine?
Falling so hard so fast this time
Everything's change, remember new
How did i fall in love with you?
Seriously, i have no idea why this song's been on loops on my comp, mp3 and in my head.
Beside the fact that its a BSB song.. but still. How did i fall in love with this song?
Anywayz, i have like a million photos to upload here. I have so many things to update on here...
Its already wednesday, i'm already into my 2nd day of leave! argh. that was fast. its 4.20am.. its ok i shall not upload the photos here... i shall continue later when i'm awake.. HEHE!
i'm going fencing later. finally.
And because of the abovementioned, i have to go and sleep if not, confirm i will feel like vomitting during training. HEHEHE!
bye world. i shall upload pics later! i will even post the entire song up also.. WAHAHAHAHA
Monday, November 06, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I've never been more grateful in my life. WAHAHAH!
I think its a good thing that no one has seen me during the weekdays. Especially this week.
The first thing my mom said when she saw me after work at PS was this, "What happened to you? I cant remember the last time i see you this disoriented, like cannot take care of yourself."
I must have been amess. LOL!
But weekends are here!!!! i'm going out today...
I'm so happy.. sha la la.. it so nice to be happy... sha la la..
Friday, November 03, 2006
I.... AM... STRONGER!!!!!!!!
Stupid shit has to say that he's tired.
Now, i'm guilty to give it.
Bloody fark. Later he heart attack down there, i'm the one difficult wat.
Menyusahkan orang ah. (Make pple difficult)
Serve me right for being toooo nice.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
How many of you agree with the abovementioned statement? Please raise your hands.
*Looks around*
hmmm Seems like not many agree to it. Or maybe, its because of the fact that most of my readers are youngsters.
It sounds like something a parent would say isnt it? Something that i know my mom once said.
But when you're working, you'll know what it feels like seriously.
And people like me, would dread it.
Don't you get it?
I can give you thousands of reasons why i
1. When you're at work you keep doing the same things over and over again you'll wonder when it'll end
2. When you're at work you'll wonder how long you'll be staying here
3. When you're at work you realise that the already cleared table is not cleared again
4. When the superior just pisses you off because of stupid things
5. When you're at work.. you work till late by the time its time to leave you'll just go straight home and the cycle repeats itself the next day
6. Your social circle grows smaller especially with no.5 in place.
7. You're too tired to think about your future coz, you've been thinking the whole day by the time you leave you'll just switch off.
8. Because of No. 7, you realise that 5 yrs might have passed and you'll still be at the exact same spot you were 5 yrs ago.
9. You end up doing things alone after work, coz it gets done faster when you go by yourself and then you rush home to sleep
10. When you work, you're out every single day, you get pissed with things sometimes and there are times you wanna just die of boredom and when weekends arrive you prefer to lock yourself in your room and bundle yourself up in the blankets and sleep till late afternoon.
11. When you actually have an outside activity you do after work, you'll just do it and then you go home and the cycle repeats itself on the same day every week.
Ooops. I've overshot. lol.
Its not that i will reject going out.. but you know.. these are the things you do nearly everyday in your life. Its not as if everyday you'll go out rite?
I've made up my mind. Just get me outta here.
Monday, October 30, 2006
so could the tears.
Why does the tears come ever so easily?
Why is it that when i need a ear you've disappeared?
Why on earth do i worry so much? Over everything?
Why on earth can't i feel things when i'm asked to.. but when i'm alone everything else tumbles around me?
Why is it that when i need a hug you're not around?
Why isn't everything easy?
Why can't everything disappear when i reopen my eyes?
Why are there so many choices to be made?
and finally, i'm asking this... Why am i burying myself in solitude?
Maybe leaving my life would be the best idea. But would i be able to endure it by myself is another different story altogether.
I hate being ignored. Like everyone, i'll definitely feel unwanted.
Maybe feeling what i'm feeling is not worth it. Maybe, i'm just wasting my time.
Sidetrack: My internet's back! i'm over the moon...Do you know i feel deprived without it? its like.. the weekend, and i cant even talk to the people i haven't spoken to or meet in ages. I miss them and i definitely need an outlet.
The pain is literally making me tired.
For someone who seemed fine on the outside, everything else seems wrong.
Blockage, nauseous, stuffy. I feel shitty.
Counting the days, i've realised that i've been sick for more than 2 months already.
Now, instead of not being able to remember when was the last time i'm sick.. I cant remember when was the last time i'm well.
When you stand, you feel like falling. When you walk, you feel like throwing up. When you breathe, you'll feel needles poking thru your heart.
Please don't let whatever happened before happened again. I can't bear to see her worrying all over again.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
and nothing interesting has yet to happen other than the fact that my colleagues are being very sweet coz, they have decided to have a mini celebration for me during lunch.
Pizza has just arrived.
Special thanks to those who wished me.
In order, my thanks goes to...
1. Nur - My cute niece who msged me last night.. wahahaha
2. Azi - Who messaged me somewhere at midnight.. wahahaha..
3. Mel - Thanks for the 530am birthday message ah.. *rolls eyes* Luckilly i was sleeping like a log.. if not i would have strangled him already. WAHAHAH!! but anywayz, the msg was greatly appreciated.
4. Suk Ching - Where have you been!? I havent seen you in the longest time yo!
5. Mawar - My cousin who's in Malaysia who is like exactly a year older than me. Yup her b-day's today too!!
Ok i forgot whether i gave her my blog address or not... wahahha.. i was just about to ask her what she wants since she's coming this friday.. WAHAHAH..
Marini a.k.a Baby - My other cousin who's coming this friday. Her b-day's on Saturday..
So to this 6 pple.. Thank you very much..
And of course to my aunt who gave me like 2 times more raya collection. WAHAHAHHA!!
Sidetrack: I think i'm having stomachache and I'm hungry.
tsk tsk tsk..
Oh and have i mentioned?!
I'm sooo tired!
And the rest who wished me after i've posted this post. THANKS!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
And yes, i'm still awake.
I've been trying to connect to the net from midnight just now but my connection's been failing me.
You know, for the past 4 yrs, i fell sick on the first day of Hari Raya.
This year is no difference. Only that I fell sick yesterday.
You know, in a span of 2 mths i've fallen sick THREE TIMES!
shit man.
Maybe i'm dying? Ok i foresee afew people saying,"Stop Talking Rubbish Nad!" lol.
You know how guilty i feel? not being able to help my mom in the preparation and cleaning of the house and whatnots. And this is like the first time since i can remember that at 4am of hari raya, my mom is awake and we've just finished arranging flowers.
My cousins driving in from Malaysia this coming Friday. I'm looking forward to that.
1. Its a friday. Duh! Who doesn't look forward to that?
2. I've not seen one of my cousins in the longest time.
I wonder who's coming tmr. Its the first day of hari raya and i don't think i have any plans for the day. Maybe i shall ask Siok Lan whether she wanna come over and eat since she's been hinting that to me for the past year.
Anyone else wanna come over tmr? LOL.
My Baju Kurung this yr is Turqoise.
I wonder whether this yr's hari raya will be any different. I'm turning 20 soon and I wonder will there be any change in my life for that as well.
I'm curious.
Oh and I've not gone for fencing for 2 trainings, my sir is confirm gonna nag and make noise if he thinks that i've gained weight. Which I HOPEFULLY don't think so. I'll definitely strangle myself if that happened.
I don't wanna be fat anymore!! *Rolls on the floor laughing*
I'm sucha contradiction. LOL!
My internet connection's screwing up again! ARGH! I shall try again tmr i suppose.
Oh and since its hari raya and all, before my internet connection goes haywire again..
I will take this opportunity to wish all muslims out there SELAMAT HARI RAYA.
And to all of my friends, regardless of race and religion, I'd like to ask for forgiveness for anything wrong that i might have done to you guys, be it on purpose or otherwise... OK? wahahhaa.. and since this is such a great month, being Hari Raya and all.. better forgive me ok?? WAHAHAHA..
And anything i might do after this, just continously forgive me till end of this month.. and anything that continues after that... just bring forward to next yr la ok!? wahahahha...
Love you all and i miss you guys. To all, Come my house ok?! And and and.. Jalan raya anyone?
"Why is it that everytime i close my eyes and all i see is you? Its only been a short while since we last met. Or maybe its just been too long for me?"
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Its friday. Its the festive season and/or weekend.
And i'm at work.
How great is that? very.
So ya. I'm currently in my friday moods only you multiply that by 1000.
That'll be my friday mood today!
I'm feeling much better today. My 5-day long headache is gone!!!! YAY!!!
The only downside is that the superior is still around.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I swear i'm freaking PMS-ing today.. or rather this whole week..
I'm so impatient with every tom dick and harry that crosses my path... I couldnt really be bothered who i'm talking to really.
Seriously, i need a break.
From the following of course:-
1. my routined life.
2. my hectic lifestyle.
3. everything else that bugs me.
basically, just my life i suppose.
I swear i've made up my mind. I'm actually feeling a little happier.
Suddenly the air seemed so fresh despite the haze, my mind seemed so clear despite the splitting headache i'm suffering from yesterday.
Maybe coz, freedom is looming near?
Do i really dread it that much?
Do i?
Maybe its just that i want so much more than this. Definitely much more.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I'm at work now with a splitting headache.
How i wish i can just curl up in my chair and sleep till its time to leave. I've never been so worn out in the longest time.
I WANNA GO HOME!! *screams*
On a brighter note,
There's so many things i wanna watch!
1. Cheek - Sounds interesting. For those in DT they should know her. Jean Ng, the drama instructor from last yr's coregroup and my current director will be acting in this show. Will be staged at the Drama Centre Black Box on 26th October. Ticket prices are reasonable.
2. Notre Dame De Paris - Now, THAT ONE! i really wanna watch!!! Its like the set seemed soooo IMPRESSIVE!! and i'm curious what its gonna be like in Indoor Stadium and all.. but the ticket prices are like.. *faints* Standard - S$298, S$198, S$158, S$118, S$68.. NOooo!!
3. Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical - THIS ONE ALSO I WANNA WATCH!! It'll be at Esplanade Theatre and the ticket prices are:
Standard - S$95, S$65, S$45, S$35
VIP Box - S$95
*wiggles eyebrow* This one confirm watch one.. WAHAHHAHA!!!
4. Legend Alive Online: Mama Looking For Her Cat - Now, this play is like the most interesting thing that could ever happen. Wahahha.. its like a combination between stage and cyber space.. and the cast? its from singapore, vienna and austria! The director is like.. DAMN NICE la.. Now, how did i know so much about this? Coz, i would have gotten a role in it if... if... if... I COULD SING! *pulls hair* i don't care.. i'm gonna go and get myself a vocal trainer. HRMPH! But i still dunno why they need me to sing... its not as if its a musical.. or maybe.. they just dont like me! *stomps around* The tickets are affordable at Esplanade Theatre Studio and it sounds interesting enough for me to check it out.. so ya.. we'll see..
5. The Phantom of The Opera - now this one can KIV. Since, its in March next yr. WAHAHAHA!!
Ok i better get back to my work.
Will blog again later.
Monday, October 16, 2006
"Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone."
Hari Raya's coming pple! my house is painted! well, most of it anywayz.
Oh ya. Went for Magus Luna on Saturday. The 2nd Magus Luna in the history of DramaTec. Well, i hope Magus Luna will always be around. hahaha..
Now, Magus Luna brought fond memories to me. I mean don't you get it? I remembered when we did Magus Luna I. It was definitely an experience. Like a dream you can never forget.
That's the theme for Magus Luna this yr.
Let's see... I dunno what to say about it really.. hahaha..
Anywayz, to the girls of 3 wishes. Well done! It actually came as a surprise for me that you guys stayed to the roles that were given during your "audition". But you guys were good. Don't doubt that. You stayed true to the essence of your role.
There were colourful costumes, colourful characters.
oh ya, there was a particular cat and unicorn that i saw during the Magus Luna even though they didnt particularly looked like a unicorn or a cat. I would rather not say what they looked like.. wahahha.. but i've heard that there were people who mistook the cat for a monkey and the unicorn as... hmmm.. that one.. i dunno.. hahaha~!!
The both of them was cute la... too bad we didn't get to have supper yest eh? Maybe next time?!
I dunno what else to say about Magus Luna II. Hmmmm..
Anywayz, it was great seeing the juniors again and some others. I do hope to see you guys again soon. LOL!
Something someone said to me on that faithful saturday night about us, i will never forget. Rite Hally?
On other topics, I didn't go to work today. THAT WAS LIKE YAY! wahahhaa... well, i had slight asthma today.. but i could still go to work if i really wanted to.. but then my mom saw how tired i was and she forced me to go to the doctor and get an MC for myself. Which i did. Gladly. hahahhaa..
Anywayz, my idea has solidified. My decision has been made. I'm not gonna stay long and that's that.
I think i'd be happier without it. Period.
You know, I have this feeling that i'm currently unstable. I'm not gonna make any other decisions after this.
I'm young. I'm gonna live it my way.
I need to iron my clothes for work tmr.
And pack my stuff.
I have a photoshoot tmr after work.
Its definitely gonna be one long night.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
My house is gonna look like a grape! really! don't believe me later Hari Raya come over la.. hahahaha..
I have yet to paint my murals...
Tmr's gonna be a pack day! I'm actually looking forward to it.
I'm meeting my partner at Bencoolen St... NAFA tmr at 12.
Have to be at Bishan at 230
Meeting my designers at 445
Watching Magus Luna II at 730
yerp. Tmr's gonna be a packed day.
But i cant wait though. I havent seen some pple in the longest time and tmr's the time i'll see most of them. hahahaa..
Will blog more once i'm more awake.
*boogies ard*
Why are tears always at the edge threatening to fall?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
I keep thinking about it.. its giving me sleepless nights.
I have to stop it... But i can't seem to put it away...
I shouldn't have acknowledged it that much...
Now, its me who's stuck with it...
How i wish the impossible is possible. How i wish things are not what it seemed. How i wish i did not stumble upon it.
There's only so much the heart can take.
And there's only so much the heart can hide.
What if it spills? What if it revealed itself?
Without my consent.
Inilah citra cahaya cinta.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Thank god for the NEL line that i take everyday to work that i'm spared from the haze outside half the time.. I don't even know what's the condition like outside till the time that i go home and i need to cross the overhead bridge to the train station.
But that also like 5mins only.
Wednesday, when i had training, that wasn't bad.. coz, my mom's partner picked me up from training and send me home.. so i was sparred of the pollution in the air. AGAIN.
But i wasn't about to get lucky the second time round. Friday came. I met Hally & Shahdon. We went shopping. And then ran into Shaiful coz Don & Shai was going to watch a movie.
Walked outside. And then the Haze got to me. I started coughing. And coughing and coughing.
And i shall stop for now coz i'm pissed with my grandmother..
I'm bloody pissed. I'm going out of the house... before i'm going to quarrel with her big time.
i'll be back later.
And it feels weird...
Coz, its the first saturday that i'm actually lazing at home... *faints*
In front of the comp... with nothing to do... with time on my hands... and looking at my phone every so often to see whether anyone will beep or call to ask me out..
Just feels alittle odd.. Oh well.. if it happens often.. i'll get used to it.. LOL!
For the first timeeee... When i loook into your eyes... For the first timeeeeeeee... iiii know who you areeeee...
Wahahaha.. ok i'm being crappy.. that's Rod Stewart btw. LOL~!
I'm leaving the house soon for a short rehearsal.. i wonder if i have any plans later.. if not i shall head home and be the good girl that i am..
And i'm itching to change my blogskin again.. lOL!
Ish. Nad is toooo free.. Oh well. maybe its just today!! hehehee..
Friday, October 06, 2006
I wanna cry already la like this..
This goes on and on and on.. and it doesnt seem to end..
Seriously, i would rather get locked up in a room with books to read and that would still be more interesting than now. Or maybe even get locked up in a room with nothing but a window is also much more interesting la.
I should just stop complaining... Coz, thats what i'm good at wat... getting into things that i don't really like doing...
Coz, i never seem to get what i want. NEVER EVER.
Well, so it seems.
Ok.. I think i'm in one of my moods today...
*buries self*
Ok ok.. I have to think happy stuff.. i'm going out later.. cannot be wet blanket.. cannot cannot..
And as i scroll up to read this entry again..
I realise that this is one of my most schizo entries ever..
*jumps off edge into pool*
Thursday, October 05, 2006
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
I tend to remember alot of things... And then grin to myself.. wahahah.. i dunno whether or not some people would have the same thoughts crossing their mind when this pass thru their head...
Tmr's friday.. and i'm totally looking forward to it!!! I mean halo!!! ITS BLOODY FRIDAY LA!!
Oh and guess wat? I fell yest during training and i have sucessfully twisted my ankle. But its not hurting.. so i'm fine.. its jut a little sore..
I'm meeting Hally tomorrow! Dinner reservation is made. Phew! I've learnt my lesson every time I go out and there never seem to be any place vacant for pple to break fast... it sucks. BIG TIME!
i'm gonna spend Hally's money tomorrow!! *grins*
Speaking of spending money, i'm gonna strangle mel if he makes me buy something this weekend! That is if i happen to meet him... *rolls eyes*
Oh and and and.. NEWSFLASH!!!
HARI RAYA'S COMING! IN 2 WEEKS TIME!! YAY!! wahahaha.. BUT, i still have yet to search for my Baju Kurung.. This again.. Sucks. BIG TIME! I simply don't have the time to go anywhere man.. Grrr..
Oh and the watch on my blog... Where i put as my latest indulgence.. just to clarify to some people..
like hally...
I OWN THAT WATCH NOW!! wahahaha..
Just something my mom force me to buy to remind me of what i got myself for my first pay... I didn't really like it at first.. but now.. i'm falling in love with it.. lol.. Its hard not to.. doncha agree??
Anywayz, that's all for now.. i'll update again soon...
Monday, October 02, 2006
Its Monday already!!! I wanna cry!!
and i'm still awake.. i should just go to sleep now.. seriously!!
But first.. i shall put up some pics..

The Casts & Director/Playwright for SAVING LOUKAITIS.
We went to substation for our reading the other.. i totally enjoyed abusing mel~! WAHAHAHAHA...
From left to right: (TOP) Danny, Mas, Me, Yana (playwright cum director) (BOTTOM) Mat Noor, Mel & Idil
And the best part? We're all hardcore camwhores! WAHAHAHAHHA!!! Idil poses nearly everywhere he can pose...
Hmmmm.. *looks at clock* Shit.. its so late already.. i'm gonna kill deena..
anywayz, i gotta go.. we'll see what i shall update on some other time.. I cant seem to remember wat to type!! haiz.. sadded.. so i shall floats off to bed i suppose.. wahahha.. bye bye!!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Well, i did! today (friday)!!! It was a totally impromptu meeting.. We chatting online on the fateful thursday when we started complaining why we cant seem to meet up with each other and well, the next thing we know...
We're meeting the next day! AHAHAHAHAHA
We talked and talked and talked. Well, she said some things just never change like how i could go on and on and on... We reminisce over the good o'l days... And how we were like back then and now.. and how i came back in the beginning of pri 6 with the shortest hair ever that shocked nearly everyone around.. LOL!!! yes yes.. those were the days.
We also realised that someone is just plain punctual. WAHAHAHA... literally on the dot, even i myself didnt realise it till she pointed it out to me just now.. lol!!
I'm happy over alot of things! wahaha!
Anywayz, i'm just gonna post up some pics of us just now.. ENJOY!
Me (Nutcaze) & Huda (Hudchub).
That's us at Starbucks Paragon!! The collar of my shirt and her tudung same same hor? hahahah
And then there's the pic on the escalator....
Its always thrilling to pose while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.. *grinz*
I'm not gonna post all of it up la.. so thats all for now folks! hahahaha
Thursday, September 28, 2006
We refer to the above matter.
As promised, we will now update you on the status of the case through out the week.
We apologized for not being able to give a daily report on this matter.
Regarding last Saturday, our counsels Ms. Nad and Mr. Mel, went to esplanade rooftop for a rehearsal. A copy of their picture is enclosed so as you would know who we sent for the meeting.
However, we regret to inform you that it is just a reading for this coming saturday at Substation, therefore big group of audience will be denied entry. (yeah rite).
Based on the research done, we found that it is based on a true story and the client's version was undoubtedly correct. We feel that it would be a 100% claim in their favour. Please give us your instructions regarding this as soon as possible.
It was an impromptu gathering. We enclose photographs of the said reunion.
With a very talented team on board, we would like to inform you that this would be a very long and difficult trial coming up. Please be prepared for any surprises that might come along the way as we are not able to predict anything yet at this stage.
We enclose 1 original picture of the said team.

Following the Rooftop rehearsal, our counsel, Ms. Nad herself, had to rush down for another rehearsal to be performed at Victoria Theatre on the 16th December 2006. We met the other party's counsel and rehearsals or discussions ran as smooth as smooth can ever be.
We are pleased to inform you that we might be able to reach a reasonable settlement.
Sunday might be off-days for all, but we at this firm worked full time for the benefit and well-being of all our clients despite the fact that it was Ramadhan. Therefore, please do not complain if we happen to charge a higher fee than other firms.
We went for a sparring session at or about 2pm. The Defendant has underestimated our counsel and it resulted in us winning the bout. The Defendant was however not able to grasp the fact that he lost and therefore has given inane excuses not worth to be told or taken note of.
Mondays being blue for all, was not so blue for all of us. On behalf of our clients and through the contacts of our counsel, we were given tickets for the Singapore Idol Result Show. A rather insightful and DEAFENING experience and definitely more to come. Our counsel will keep you informed of further developments and invitations.
Tuesday being a slow day, our counsel did not have the opportunity to reach any settlement on that day due to the Defendant's insured being confused half the time. Therefore, our counsel had no other choice but to look forward to what in store after working hours.
It was not exactly the best of meetings but tutoring mathematics on a tuesday might give great satisfaction to some.
We would like to inform you that PSLE starts next week 4th October 2006. Please be punctual for the hearing.
Wednesday came and our counsel had to rush for the training of the mind. Afraid that she'll be late, our counsel did not manage to break fast before training and also for the fact that training starts at 7pm sharp.
Therefore, if in any circumstances that our counsel has to be warded for a few days, please take note that you will have to bear the costs.
She was not able to excuse herself right after training as the instructor decided that she has to spar with a few of the male species present that day to prove that she has improved. Our counsel only managed to eat at 10pm when she reached her residence.
Kindly note that these expenses will be catergorized as disbursements.
We will do a follow-up on this report towards the end of the week.
Please let us have your instructions within the next 48 hours, failing which, we will stick with your previous instructions where we will commence legal proceedings without further reference.
Please let us hear from you.
Yours Faithfully,
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I met people.
One that i haven't seen in the longest time. Ok fine, maybe i'm exaggerating...
but seriously, you dont know how much you miss a person till you've seen them again.
My saturday was great. Period.
I met Hally yest. Will be meeting her again soon i think.. wahaha..
Will update again soon. I'm currently so thirsty!!
Tomorrow's the start of fasting mth! happy fasting everyone! I have fencing tmr.. wahahaha!!
And i cant fast. like thanks alot.
*grumbles away*
You know, sometimes we look for the big things in life for signs, for hints. Most of the time, its the little things that means more.
They write that in stories as well.
And i'm beginning to believe in that more and just get contented.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Ok.. I'm famous for doing this, But i'm literally afraid of clients.. It takes me awhile to get use to them and the fact that i have to call them and everything..
So today, i have to call the files that are literally put on hold due to my fear... wahahhaa.. and well, they're not so bad after all! wahahaha...
I think i will be suitably busy today.. wahahaha...
hmmm.. i might just like my clients....
Yellow Chair's show, Sketches: A story of hope is done. The show was last weekend. Seriously, 3 shows in one day is one kinda of an experience man.
When i reached home, i was so tired i just sat at the sofa staring into space. My mom thought i was sick. WAHAHAH!! And i couldnt move at all... damn tired sia.. like as though i did the 2.4km run 3times in a row!
Hally said i was very lemau on the last show.. wahahaha.. lemau eh... sorry la! haiz.. you think being old very easy issit? wahaha... i know la you very experienced grandmother... so far my grandmother roles needs the aging potion. i am one confused grandmother... wahahhaa..
but anywayz, it was a good show.. i definitely enjoyed my weekend eventhough it was tiring... hahahah.. it was definitely priceless..
the fashion shows, the pictures, the jokes and laughter. Definitely worth remembering.
In every production, you'll meet new people. I definitely have made new friends.
So for now i'm done with rehearsals.
Like i said.
For now.
Next event, 30th Sept, Substation.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
She just doesnt understand that i need that. She doesnt know what i'm trying to tell.
Got offered another role. Heavier than what was offered before. HAhaha... For somebody who's not taking it serious, i sure as hell know how to get caught up with it.
I thought the promise was broken. But then, i thought wrong. Thank you for making my day.
today, its the 13th September 2006.
An acquaintance just flew off to further his studies.
Everyone's furthering their studies. One's off to the US, the other is in Australia, one's off to the UK at the end of the month, and some already got their places and going off in the really near future.
I'm still here.
Am i lagging? *ponders*
If i was given a day to treat you any different, i wouldn't know whether i'll accept it. Coz, i'm afraid that i'll get greedy and decide that one day's not enough coz, i've dreamt of forever.
And i think my flu is getting to my head!
And i've still not recovered. Here's the kick, i'm fine out of the office (or maybe not so fine) but once i step in, my nose is running at a faster pace than before.
See ya around lovely pple!
Monday, September 11, 2006
For someone's who's sick and having troubled sleep.. I had a dream, a rather insightful one actually.
Sometimes, i've wondered whether the choices i've made in my life were made because i'm expected to do it coz, its the most natural path to take or to make it because everyone expect me to make it.
There are times that i wonder whether am i making it because i want to do it or is it because of the fact that there's some sort of an expectation to live up to.
This break from school is the right decision for now.
From young till poly, all decisions were made by myself. Fast-paced. Expected (or not). Did i have time to thing about it? maybe not, well, you cant really blame it... especially when you're in Singapore's education system.
You're done with your 'O' Levels... You have to make the next decision of JC or POLY.
Which JC? Why there? why not this one?
WHich poly? what course? What if i get bored of it half way thru?
But then.. you have to think all about this.. then you realise.. JAE is in a mth.. or something like that...
Now, that i'm out of the education system for the time being, i'm gonna plan my life the way i want it to be.
Yes, maybe this job is just temporary.
Coz, after this, i'm going on a soul searching trip.
First BKK, to fulfill a promise.
Second to Bali, maybe with friends and cousins.
Then, i'll go visit my family in Nederlands.
Maybe some greens, sheeps and mountainous air would help make the mind at peace.
But of course all these have to take place after i've gone for the Fencing Competition in Selangor. I'm really looking forward for that.
And dont get distracted with this entry, coz if you do.. scroll down and read my publicity entry!! wahaha.. the show's happening this coming weekend!
And its already 5.45pm. Mom's asking me whether i wanna go to the doctor or not...
I wonder.. how on earth did i survive today with my runny nose, and cough...
And i refrain from answering any calls and end up with people looking for me.. So much for me not wanting to go near the phone today...
And yes, this is my first entry from work. You know why? Coz, i finally have my own desktop. Like yay.
I made so many stupid mistakes today.. like putting the wrong vehicle number on the demand letter.. and now i have to change everything! I made the exact same mistake on every single demand letter that i made today! ARGH!
And my boss have left for the day.
Oh bother.
Well, i've been invited to act with Yellow Chair Productions for an upcoming play... It's called...
Sketches: A Story of Hope
Since i've have yet to do my publicity..
Its inconjunction with the Yellow Ribbon Project!

You know how the Yellow Ribbon Project is to create awareness for the public to help unlock the 2nd prison rite? Basically, the play is about that.
An ex-convict looking for his place again in society with nearly no one to support him in his journey. Like every dream, you need faith and hope for it to materialise. Like every step, you'll need strength and support. Like every person, there's always a story behind them.
So Don't miss it!
The details are as follows:
16th September (Sat)
17th September (Sun)
SATURDAY: 2pm, 5pm and 8pm
SUNDAY:2pm and 5pm
Tampines Central Community Centre (it will be set in a blackbox not on those wooden platforms you call stage.. hehehehe)
Tix price:
S$4 each
To book tickets, you can either book it thru either of the yellow chair members if you know them.. if you dont.. feel free to book it thru me..
1. just sms me.
2. leave a tag on my tagboard together with your name and how many you want.. i wont book for those who calls themselves anon or anonymous or watever it is.
3. Just email me
4. approach me on MSN.
There you have it.. All the possible ways of getting me via the computer and internet for all you tech savvy people out there. WAHAHHAHA...
Tmr i'm working... Is that good or bad??
I cant be bothered to dress formal in office wear tmr.. I swear i'm just gonna drap myself in jeans. REALLY.
I'm still having slight fever. I didnt go to the doctor, therefore my fever pills that i've finished on friday is not replenished. And and and.. My nose is still running away... My body's aching.. and i have no idea how am i suppose to survive tomorrow!!!
*sings out loud: "I will survive.. I will survive.. allalalalal"
Ok i should go and sleep now...
Oh wait.. after the next blog entry.. i'll go and sleep...
Friday, September 08, 2006
My prediction was right.
See... where am i now?
I'm at home, with fever, flu, headache and everything else. And i haven't go to the doctor... I'm wondering whether is it needed for a MC. I still have my fever & flu tablets...
Its definitely gonna be a loooonnnggg weekend.
Haiz... And i'm hungry.. I should call mom for dinner...
Ok, i'm logging off now! I feel like vomitting.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I'm gonna miss you mel!!!
rememeber your promise!!! If not i'm gonna murder you sia. 2weeks you know! bloody hell.
*angelic grinz*
Take care and don't forget the pple here on main land.. wahahha... oh oh.. there's always the paddle idea that azi was talking about the last time we met... wahaha..
Anywayz, take care, have fun.. and don't worry.. you look fine bald.
*grins* WAHAHAHA..
See ya when you book out!!
Ps: I already hear the satay ayam goreng calling out to me!! Hehehehe...
Fucking pissed
Fucking tired.
Its been a fucking long day.
Yes, i'm pissed today. Bloody Pissed.
Bloody Fucking Pissed.
Well, i wasn't pissed before even though i was deteoriating slowly at work... i was pissed later on. Like watever la. Seriously, i've been keeping it for awhile.. what's another week rite? Bloody hell..
I shouldn't have ignored my signals previously. Some things in my life brings along nothing but troubles and irritation. I should have known better.
But nooooooooooo, i've decided to be nice, i've decided to be soft hearted, i've decided to give in. I shouldn't have but i did.
Whatever la..
Argh... I dunno wat i'm typing anymore, the screen's a blur. haiz. Sekali tmr i cannot go work eh, that'll be hilarious shit.
Speaking of work, How's work? some's asking.
Work's fine. I don't know what else to type. There's a certain expectation to live up to. I have no idea why is it there though.
Advice in letters, instructions and i'm not even stepping into the bulk of my work yet. HAIYO!
Not that i'm busy, i finish my stuff exactly at 530 irregardless of how busy i am.. by 530 my table will be neat again, BUT, i finish work at 615... Which means, my 530 clean table doesnt stay clean for long.. unless of course the boss leaves early.
Haiya. Maybe i'm tensed with work. I dunno la.
Hahaha.. people's just wondering how long i'll last here... I, myself, am wondering. Its a nice place with a nice boss... but i know there's a better place somewhere else.. Coz, i've felt that better place before.
Sometimes, you just know, no matter how nice everything is, that place is just not for you rite? Yup. Its the kinda place that i know i wont be there for long. But at least its not like the prev. firm where there are times that i dread going to work. LOL!
So ya, Hally, i'm definitely gonna last more than a month...
aiyah.. i'm so tired already.. my eyes are damn hot. I should log off soon
Bye all.
Monday, September 04, 2006
I have no idea what to blog about!!!
Oh ya..
i had rehearsals on sunday rite? and well, we played the werewolf game after that.. it was the most embarrassing werewolf game...
I swear i'm so bimbotic! ARGH!
but it was fun and funny at the same time.. hehehhe..
rite now, i'm bored again.
1. work's not too bad
2. i'm missing something
3. i cant believe i didnt see you yesterday! argh.
4. i'm gonna weekday night trainings... Now, i have no idea how am i gonna survive! Lol! but then, you wont know till you try rite? so ya..
5. i dunno wat to type already
6. love you pple.. muahaha
7. i'm happy for you senorita!
BYE! Thats all for now.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
*Looks at the time now*
Its 3pm... Which means, i woke up at 2pm.
And rite now, i'm groggy and nauseous as though i was up drinking the whole night... Which obviously i didnt. I dont do such thing la... So waste money... wahahaha..
I'm currently nauseous! And i have training in an hour. Which also equates to me gonna be slaughtered and my sir gonna nag about me being lethargic. I'm so dead.
I swear, no more late nights for me~!!!
Ya i say only, sekali later tonight sleep late again..
EH.. cannot cannot..
Tmr's my first day of work... wahahahhaaha
i dunno whether is that good or bad. LOL!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
What constitutes to Medical Megligence?
A guy has stomachache for the past yr. He has been going to the hospital and was given some pills and the reason for his sickness was high cholestrol even after various scans. This guy is skinny by the way. Then recently he admitted himself into the hospital due to the unbearable pain (that is, after a yr of tolerating it and he is still fine).
The doctor then told him that he has a small lump in his colon. So, he was given an injection. When he came back for a check-up, doctor discovered that there's another small lumps. Operation is needed to remove it. He went for it. Hospitalised for 11days. He was discharged 11 days later, even though his wife suspects that he has not fully recovered, coz, his leg was swollen. But the doctor insist that he has recovered.
When they reached home, she found his stomach area wet so, she decided to change his clothes for him. When she changed him, she found water gushing out of the operation scar as though someone is peeing. She called the doctor at the hospital to tell him that she is re admitting her husband but the doctor said that it is just a common side effect and that they were supposed to go to the nearest GP to get help. She looked at the time, it was 11pm.
They waited till the next morning and went for check up at the nearest GP. Some medication was rubbed on the wound and it healed. At least, it looked as though it healed on the outside. GP told them to come back a week later for a check-up. They were told by the doctor from the hospital that any GP would be able to remove the operation clips for them. So the GP did it for them a week later, when they came back for the check-up and GP found that the scar had healed.
On their way home, the patient coughed and he cringed in pain holding his stomach area. His wife checked on him and when she lifted up his shirt, she saw his intestines and stomach coming out of the operation scar. Panicking, she called the ambulance and called went to the hospital again.
Upon reaching the hospital, the patient was not given immediate attention. With his insides out in the open, and just becoz he wasnt cringing in pain (he was so much in pain that cringing wouldn't help anymore) they were told to wait until 2 more patients before them are checked. The patient's brother-in-law started screaming and threatening the nurses before they took immediate action.
Later on, the same doctor, came and suddenly said to the wife that her husband has cancer that has spread to his lungs and liver. When she asked what are her husband chances, he said that he will be fine only that she needs to call their relatives.
Her husband died the next day.
Would you believe when a doctor told you that someone has cancer at a terminal stage and later on he died on the same day? When he went for an operation and the doctor did not mention anything about cancer? when he wasnt suffering a yr before all of this. He was even working as per normal.
A cancer patient normally deteriorate over a period of time and not die just within a few hours.
What if i tell you that this story is not one that i've found over the net or not the kinda scenarios given by my law lecturers for projects?
What if i tell you that this is a real story? What if i tell you that the patient died a few days ago?